Avinash Joshi

Avinash Joshi

Tech Enthusiast, Code Believer, Passionate Programmer.

About Me

I'm Avinash, a seasoned programmer and tech enthusiast with an unwavering belief in the power of code. I embrace challenges head-on and constantly push boundaries. I pick up new tech skills fast, not just because it's my job, but because I'm genuinely curious and always want to learn the latest in tech.

A Coding Affair

My fascination with computers has been a lifelong affair. The idea of using code to create, innovate, and solve problems seemed almost magical. Over the years, I've honed my skills across various coding languages and platforms, always staying adaptable and keen to embrace the latest in technology. Challenges don't deter me; in fact, they fuel my determination. My guiding principle in work and life is simple: “It’s possible.” It reminds me that with perseverance and the right approach, obstacles can be overcome.

Personal Touch

Beyond the screen and lines of code, I am deeply connected to my spiritual roots. It guides my decisions, ensuring I always strive to do what's right, not just what's easy. I have a natural inclination to assist and uplift those around me. While I might come across as introspective at first, those who get to know me realize I enjoy engaging conversations and shared laughter. In my personal time, I cherish moments with my wife and two sons, exploring new places through our road trips, and keeping a pulse on the latest tech gadgets to explore and tinker with.


One of my desk setups. Macbook is now my goto machine.

One of my desk setups. Macbook is now my goto machine.

Rain drops on Tesla Model 3 roof.

Rain drops on Tesla Model 3 roof.

Night Sky over Ruidoso, New Mexico. Shot on Apple iPhone 13 mini.

Night Sky over Ruidoso, New Mexico. Shot on Apple iPhone 13 mini.

My desktop from my past - runs my most cherished Windows XP.

My desktop from my past - runs my most cherished Windows XP.

Cherishing the little moments in life. Canoeing with my wife at Lady
            Bird Lake, Austin.

Cherishing the little moments in life. Canoeing with my wife at Lady Bird Lake, Austin.

When I'm not coding, I love to spend time volunteering.

When I'm not coding, I love to spend time volunteering.